Sunday, September 11, 2011

Epidendrum Radicans



Water:  summer: every 4-5 days; winter: every week
Humidity: 50%
Fertilizer:  weekly, 1/2 strength balanced fertilizer like 20-20-20
Temp:  day: 60-90 F (15.6°C to 32.2°C); night: 50-70 F (10C to 21.1°C)
Light: full sun; enough light = green leaves; too much light= brownish yellow; not enough light= tall , leggy growths
Flowering: needs lots of light to flower, will flower for months
Repotting:  bark mixed w/ perlite, moss, charcoal, sand or gravel
Propogate:  repot reeds w/ roots; transplant keikis w/ 2-4 inch roots

We nicknamed this guy "Fireworks" because he explodes gorgeous red, orange, and yellows in a towering cluster.

Found in Central America, Puerto Rico, Costa Rica
Often a roadside weed- so very hardy and easy to grow!

This orchid from Trader Joe's in West Los Angeles (Fall 2011).

Credited sources:

Friday, August 19, 2011

Phalaenopsis NOID

Acquired in 2011 as a mystery not in bloom plant from our West LA florist down the block. Rebloomed happily while in Los Angeles and revealed itself to be a white moth orchid.  Since moving back to NYC, this West LA Love Orchid bloomed once more. No pictures at the moment unfortunately.