Saturday, April 12, 2014

Maxillaria tenuifolia

Water: every week
Humidity: high
Fertilizer:  every 1-2wks; 1/2 strength balanced fertilizer. 
Temp: > 50 º F (10º C)
Light: 5000 fc, bright windowsill, needs more to flower
Rest period: Oct/Nov/Dec-May.
Flowering: March-April, 7-10 days/longer if kept cool; single inflorescence off of pseudobulb
Repotting: osmunda, fir bark/mixes, coconut husk fiber or chunks, sphagnum mixed w/pumice+perlite; mounted on fern bark, basket; young roots are beige with a yellow tip and more mature roots are brown. Healthy roots turn green when watered. Avoid damage to protect bloom cycle.
Propogate:  Repotting clumps of pseudobulbs- best if there is new growth before removal

Last night, I dreamt of a shallow water ocean stroll bathed by a tropical sunset. Andre held one of my hands while I sipped a coconut-y pina colada with the other. I woke up refreshed!  I credit the scents of Maxillaria Tenuifloria aka the coconut orchid for this dream vacation tucked within my dreams. Maxilla = jaw in Latin and describes the jawbony structure of the petal. We just brought this guy home from the SEPOS International Festival this past weekend in Philadelphia. His homies kept wafting into our olfactory bulbs throughout the entire show. Now we keep him on bathroom duty above our toilet! As an aside- the SEPOS International Festival is a must see for any orchid enthusiast!

Do you have pearls of wisdom on this orchid? Share them in the comments below!

Discovered near Veracruz, Mexico 
 Mexico to Costa Rica at low elevations and up to 1500m (4921ft)
Tree photo courtesy of

This orchid from in Linwood, NJ (4/2014).

Other credited sources:

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